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Telegram dialog - With animation & MainView layout


What's new


  1. Not noob custom_progress more block, Yes Ok I was quite noob.
  2. New Ui, Thanks to Ui_ux designer for the above two changes.
  3. Better animation, thanks to Ariel timotius for it, but I changed it quite lot.

I just added animation.



This literally just a dialog. Many people wanted project so I made it. This is not full copy but Almost same. Made with Object animator and timer components with custom view. Contains animation too but with scale. , and alpha. Made with Sketchware original Not so perfect tho.

Thanks to: @Ui_ux-designer and @Ariel-timotius**.

This may not work properly, if you are animating an Custom view dialog, but If you are animating some on your MainView, it's gonna work surely.

Btw, I you like this, then please click it and comment.

Ps: Idk why there's some comment error in this project. I mean, there are 4 comments but it shows 1 comments in Project View Activity.


Thank you.

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