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YouTube Extractor


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This project provides utility methods for interacting with YouTube video data. It allows retrieval of various metadata related to YouTube videos using their URLs.

Get Video ID: Retrieves the unique identifier for the YouTube video from the provided URL.

Get Video Title: Fetches the title of the YouTube video, which summarizes its content.

Get Video Description: Extracts the detailed description of the YouTube video provided by the uploader.

Get Thumbnail with Resolutions: Obtains the thumbnail image URL for the video, including various resolutions.

Get Channel ID: Retrieves the unique identifier for the YouTube channel that uploaded the video.

Get Channel Title: Fetches the name of the channel that published the YouTube video.

Get Video Duration: Returns the length of the video in a standard time format.

Get Published Time: Extracts the date and time when the YouTube video was published.

Get Privacy Status: Retrieves the privacy setting of the video (e.g., public, private, unlisted).

Check if Made for Kids: Determines whether the video is marked as made for kids.

Get Video Dimension: Retrieves the dimensions (resolution) of the video.

Get Video Definition: Fetches the definition quality of the video (e.g., SD, HD).

Get View Count: Returns the total number of views the video has received.

Get Like Count: Retrieves the total number of likes the video has received.

Get Comment Count: Returns the total number of comments made on the video.

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