SwbUtils an light weight library to convert any sketchware project into (.swb) format without any heavy codes / blocks Also Has An Function to Restore the swb (Android 11 & above working)
Can be used in making project store / backup-restore application etc.....
Pros :-
What's New • Fixed Some Known Bug • Fixed replacing backup project is already exist • Added backup the project with postfix (_d.swb) if already exist • Added GetProjectDetails without any codes/blocks (Returns String)
GetProjectDetails.hasCustomIcon((int)_projectId) <-- returns boolean
GetProjectDetails.getCustomIcon((int)_projectId) <-- returns custom icon path```
• Added Backup with extension replace like
$pkg --> package_name
$app --> app_name
$verC --> version Code
$verN --> version Name
• Added Restore Function
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